Phone and Internet Outage 10th January 2025!!

We are experiencing major network issues and have no phone or internet connection at present. If you need a doctors appointment we do have availability and suggest you present to the clinic where our team will accommodate you with a booking as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience and hope to have the problem resolved shortly.

General Medical Consultations

  • GP Consultations

    Consultations with doctors at CityMed are booked at 15 minute intervals which is usually enough time to deal with 1 main problem and perhaps 1 minor problem in addition. For each issue you bring to us we need to allow time for you to explain the problem, ask you questions and examine you if necessary. Then we formulate a diagnosis, organise any appropriate investigations, plan and discuss treatment with you. We take your health problems seriously and don’t want to risk not dealing with them properly by rushing through a list. You can book a double appointment if you think you may require longer than 15 minutes. This may be particularly helpful for mental health consultations. There is an additional fee for extended and double appointments.

    Virtual Consultations

    We have become very comfortable with offering phone and video consultations for our regular patients with problems where an examination is NOT required. We have the advantage of knowing you and having your notes in front of us which makes a big difference. Good examples of the types of problems we can deal with virtually are review of long term conditions, fertility, follow up appointments for mental health.

    If you are not sure if your problem can be managed with a virtual consultation please call one of our nursing team and they can guide you. Virtual consults can be booked on line. You don’t need to download an app to access virtual consulting with us. Your GP will call you on your preferred phone number for phone consults and video consults are done through A link, which can be opened on any PC, phone or tablet, directs you to your doctor’s ‘virtual waiting room”. Your GP will connect with you here in a safe and secure way. Its quick and easy.

    Colds, Flus and Covid-19

    For the foreseeable future any cold or flu like illnesses need to be assessed initially with a virtual consult for the protection of other people in the practice. If we need to examine you after the initial virtual consultation, then we can plan to see you safely in a different part of the clinic. This keeps us all safe.  

    Personal Medical Checks

    We recommend that our patients have regular personal health checks so that we can discuss with you how to keep yourself healthy throughout life. These health checks include talking with you about any current health issues, questioning you about any symptoms you may have,  discussing significant family medical problems and reviewing general lifestyle issues like diet, exercise and smoking behaviour. We usually do some blood tests and in some cases recommend additional tests like an ECG or chest X-ray. Our suggestions for the frequency of these medicals are 1 medical before 30 years, at least 2 medicals in your 30s, every 2 years in your 40s and yearly over 50. Your doctor may suggest having a medical more frequently in some circumstances.

    You will need to phone and book a personal medical through reception and will see a nurse first before a 30 minute consultation with your doctor. Reception can inform you of the additional costs for this type of medical check.

    If you need to do any pre-employment or immigration medicals, or you require travel advice and vaccinations, you will need to ring the clinic to make an appointment.

    Well Child Checks

    CityMed actively supports Well Child Checks and immunisations as a way of getting a good start in life. We offer the full range of recommended fully funded vaccinations on the childhood schedule. There are other vaccines which are not fully funded which you may like to talk to your doctor about. 

    Well Child Checks are free to all enrolled children, and are performed by your doctor when your child is 6 weeks, 3 months, 5 months and 12 months old. We like to check your child prior to the immunisations being given at these ages to ensure they are healthy and that their development is within the normal range. It's a good chance to check on any concerns you have, especially if you are a first time parent. For your child's 15 month immunisations a nurse-only appointment is required. 

    General Enquiry     View All Fees

    Or call us Monday to Friday 8am-5:30pm

    09 377 5525